Dr Russell Camilleri
Lecturer on the MBA programme and in Information Technology
Doctorate, Master's Degree in Information System and Technology
Laura Sue Armeni
Lecturer on the MBA programme
MA Gestalt Psychotherapy, MSc Occupational Psychology, Bachelor of Psychology, EPFA Levels 1 and 2 in Psychometric Testing
Steven Schiavone
Lecturer in Health and Social Care
Masters of Science in Pharmacy, Masters of Business Administration
Eric Schembri
Lecturer in Business Management
Master of Sciences in Business Management and Human Resources
Jan André Sciberras
Lecturer in Book-keeping
Master of Science in Management, B.A. (Hons) in International Business Administration
Dr Seralie Bonett
Lecturer in Strategic Management and Leadership and on the MBA Programm
B.Psy (Hons) Psychology - University of Malta MSc. Occupational Psychology - University of Leicester Psychometrics Test User (RQTU) - KCP & British Psychological Society PhD. Organisationa
Masbah Uddin Mahmud
Admin & Student Support
Keith Pace
Sales & Agent Relations Executive
Ramon Camilleri Mortimer
Sales Associate & Student Welfare Co-Ordinator